While music fans in Irvine will need to wait until 2027 for the completion of the city’s 14,000-seat permanent amphitheater, an interim solution may be on the horizon.

The Great Park Board of Directors on Tuesday, Nov. 28 is expected to vote on entering a partnership agreement with Pacific Symphony to bring a temporary live music venue to the Great Park.

With an estimated capacity of 6,000 – 8,000 seats, Irvine’s latest plans for a temporary music venue include features similar to the 12,000-seat FivePoint Amphitheater, which closed in October. In addition to the partnership with Pacific Symphony, developer FivePoint has offered a $600,000 sponsorship to assist with the project.   

Sponsorship funds from FivePoint, according to a staff report, would be used to secure equipment for the temporary amphitheater, including a stage and bleachers. Irvine’s newest temporary venue would be ready to host performances by summer 2024 and extend through summer 2026 if approved. 

The temporary venue is slated to be constructed on the North Lawn inside the Great Park Sports Complex, which provides a flexible space that can be configured in “a variety of ways,” per the staff report.

If approved by the Great Park Board of Directors, city staff is expected to return in January with a complete overview of the proposed facility.  

This is a developing story. 

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