Blog Introduction: The Netflix documentary, “Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields” explores a mystery that has baffled police and local residents for decades. In an area known as the “Killing Fields” off Interstate 45 between Houston and Galveston, dozens of bodies have been found. But who is responsible for these murders? And why are so many people being killed in this small patch of land? Let’s explore some of the details from this documentary to get a better idea of what happened. 

The Netflix documentary follows the investigations a series of murders in League City, TX. The families of the victims – mostly young women — have dedicated their lives to finding out who killed their daughters and why this area has been chosen as a dumping ground. It also shows how law enforcement officials used DNA evidence, witness testimonies, and other investigative techniques to try to uncover clues about these cases. 

Read the full article on our sister site, The Greensheet, here.

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