Most cannabis strain descriptions online have the word “historic” in them. While there are a lot of cannabis hybrids that have made a significant impact in the field, few strains have had a tremendous effect outside the marijuana community. However, the high-CBD hemp hybrid Charlotte’s Web deserves its “historic” status.

Not only was Charlotte’s Web one of the first CBD-rich hemp strains in the legal cannabis market, it helped spur on the mainstream adoption of medicinal CBD products. If it hadn’t been for Charlotte’s Web, the 2018 US Farm Bill might not have passed. Even if CBD customers aren’t interested in using Charlotte’s Web, it’s worth reviewing this legendary hybrid’s history.

Where Does The Charlotte’s Web Strain Come From?

It’s impossible to talk about Charlotte’s Web without mentioning Charlotte Figi. Born in 2006, Charlotte Figi started experiencing epileptic seizures just a few years after her birth. Doctors diagnosed Figi with Dravet syndrome, which caused her to experience hundreds of epileptic seizures every week.

Unsatisfied with traditional medications, Figi’s parents looked for alternative treatments like medicinal marijuana. Eventually, they began incorporating CBD-rich oil into Figi’s daily routine. Within a few days of this treatment, Figi’s parents noticed a significant decrease in epileptic episodes.

This finding led the Figi family to contact the hemp company Stanley Brothers. Back in 2011, Stanley Brothers had already developed a novel high-CBD strain, but it wasn’t until they met with Charlotte Figi that they decided to name it “Charlotte’s Web” in her honor.

Soon afterward, Charlotte’s Web took on a life of its own in the mainstream media. Major publications and news outlets began running stories on Charlotte Figi and Charlotte’s Web’s effects. By 2013, Stanley Brothers noticed a massive surge in demand for its high-CBD products, and more scientists and companies began to take notice.

The immense media attention surrounding Charlotte’s Web helped drive the mass adoption of CBD supplements. Indeed, the US Government first allowed universities to study CBD hemp in 2014, and DC allowed the sale and manufacture of CBD goods in 2018. Even the FDA began to take CBD as a therapy more seriously. The same year the 2018 US Farm Bill passed, the FDA announced it approved the CBD-rich drug Epidiolex for childhood epilepsy.

Tragically, Charlotte Figi passed away in 2020 due to complications from pneumonia. Although Figi is no longer with us, her legacy lives on in the Charlotte’s Web strain and the international CBD industry.

Is Charlotte’s Web The Best CBD Near Me? — Check Real Tested CBD!

There’s no question Charlotte’s Web is one of the most impactful and successful CBD brands in modern times. However, just because a company has a close tie to history doesn’t mean it’s beyond scrutiny. It’s important to hold every CBD company to the same high screening standards.

Given Charlotte’s Web’s huge media success, Real Tested CBD tested many of its CBD products to give customers an unbiased look into the company’s offerings. If you’d like to learn more about how we feel about Charlotte’s Web’s CBD items, be sure to follow this link.

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